akuh tangged dak kmp dlm list!
1)Beside ur lips,where is the favourite spot to get kissed?
lips...mane suke..faberet?uem...dahi+mate...ehehe...x suke pipi...eh of kos for my ibu n ayah jek!
2)How did u feel when u woke up this morning?
~i wish im at home rite now!sober.....but irfan kahiri kate-u need to move out from ur comfort zone
3)Who was the last person / people you took photo with?
-sape?jap...cek blk handset...urm....my frens at taman gelora...ya!the last one...
~i wish im at home rite now!sober.....but irfan kahiri kate-u need to move out from ur comfort zone
3)Who was the last person / people you took photo with?
-sape?jap...cek blk handset...urm....my frens at taman gelora...ya!the last one...
4)Would u consider urself spoiled?
- ya!often...i have low self reliance now...
5. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
- best frens?no.......dunt have...sbb klo ade...mati kena marah dgn die:jealousy
6. Do you want someone to be dead?
- yeah!SYARIKAT PEMBINAAN HAMID SDN.BHD!mtk ayah akuh kja blk lak....tgh2 sakit lak tu.if i can buy the company...x pyh la akuh bunuh the owner tuh kn...
- best frens?no.......dunt have...sbb klo ade...mati kena marah dgn die:jealousy
6. Do you want someone to be dead?
- yeah!SYARIKAT PEMBINAAN HAMID SDN.BHD!mtk ayah akuh kja blk lak....tgh2 sakit lak tu.if i can buy the company...x pyh la akuh bunuh the owner tuh kn...
7. What does your last text message say?
~'malasla'-kpd si die
8. What are you thinking right now ?
~lepas update blog....nk bace buku'nota jutawan nota motivasi'
9. Do you want someone to be with you right now ?
~ya!ayah n ibu..heee~dan wish to look at ya...baharudin bin abdul hamid!hati2 kt laut eh...wahhaha
10. What was the time you went to bed last night ?
-last nite eh...urm kol 12 kot....rase2 otak da tepu bace buku tuh
11. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now ?
-entah-tee ibu...mane tahu beli mane....pakai sebat jek baju yg ade kt umah ucu nih...tgk2 ade tee yg ibu tinggalkn
12. Is someone on your mind right now?
-now?yeah!irfan khairi=mcm ne eh akuh nk jd mcm die....
13. Who was the last person who text you ?
-baharudin bin abdul hamid
TEN Lucky Person to do this quiz.
1. kakyang-my sis(sbb die baru jek on9=terus tulis name die)
2. baharudin bin abdul hamid
3. tkah
4. aniesa(yg akuh amek tag nih)
5. wan(dak wilderness)
6. adibah(yg dpt ums tuh)
7. amal
9. ieka
10.fendi(tgh ber y.m)
14. Who is no.2 having a relationship with ?
~no 2?ahaha...me la~noor shafifiyaz yazid..lalala~
15. Is no.3 a male or a female?
~err soalan apekah ini?tkah ko female kn?hahahah
16. If no.7 and no.1 get together , would it be a good?
~kakyang n amal?=x nah cube lg...hahaha...tp of kos amal kenal akak akuh
17. What is no.1 studying about?
~bioinformatik but now da kja...kyg gaji nanti kite share2 eh..weeee
18. When was the last time you chatted with them?
-last eh?pagi tadi dgn baharudin bin abdul hamid...lepas tuh x chat2 da...
err ptg td dgn kyg...
19. Is no.4 single?
~nop!nisa single?whahaha...x caye akuh...kapel da la...dgn...adei lupe name dak tuh...tp duk ukm la...ehehe
20. Say something about no. 2.
~baharudin bin abdul hamid?die suke kja kuat.....kja kja kja kja...dlm hidop...wahaha...
21. What do you think about no.3 & no.5 being together?
~wat?tkah dgn wan?no no no.....mampus haikal marah~hahaha....no no no...wan kena cari lain..ehehe
22. Describe no.9.
~ieka...urm...gile sopan dan lemah lembut..org pertame yg akuh jmpe g tuh!klo silap 'wei kowang soriiiieee'
haha...ayat dgn nada meleret..lalala~
23. What will you do if no.6 and no.7 fight ?
~blh ke?depa bkn pernah jmpe pon...x kot....sbb due2 rasional nye org....
24. Do you like 8?
~haha...sape?commot!akuh la yg bg tittle tu kt die sejak msk UM..hehe..thanx to me yer mot..lalala~
like her bcause suke sakat die dgn mr.hans..dan die mmg jujur orgnye...
25. How about 10?
~fendi?like ke?ehehe....member kmp...paggilan ustaz fendi..bile nk jmpe oii.....
weh. ak ni kalu single, ok gak pe.. haha~
haha...sempat lagi...ok ke?mane blh~nanti ko akan kate 'akuh sunyi'...hahaha~
'wei korang sorii'.. haha~ rindu gile kt ieka!! ngn korg jgk! hehe~
haha...kan3...i tot u so...ieka mmg trademark die..lalala~
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